A lot of people are having trouble sleeping, and there are so many possible causes of insomnia, two of which is psychological and physical causes. Insomnia can be result of Anxiety, increased tension, worries or helplessness, financial worries or concerns over relationship, Stress is also one of the reason and so as depression Lack of sleep can cause this psychological problems. Hormonal changes in women such as premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, menopause, pain, or genetics (problems in insomnia do seem to run in some families)are just some of the physical causes why a person is having hard time to sleep. Insomnia can also be caused by temporary events or factors. If your working night shift or long shifts ( those working in a call center, nurses, guards, etc.), if your under medication, overtaking of caffeine and alcohol. Though a glass or two of alcohol before going to bed helps a person relax but more than that can lead to uneven sleep or restlessness. Trouble sleeping can also be caused by your surroundings, the temperature, environmental noise.
Now, what are the possible things that we can do to have a goodnight sleep?
- Regular exercise - 20-30 minutes of exercise everyday is a good to go
- Take a warm bath before going to bed just leave your hair dry
- A warm glass of milk
- Make sure you have a comfortable bed, pillows, bedding, consider soft, breathable cotton sheets.
- Keep your room dark during sleep hours
- Make sure that you have adequate ventilation
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol and too much liquid for it may result to frequent bathroom trips.
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